Nude: Allison Dunbar Nude Scenes, Pics & Videos
Nude Roles: 1
Fame may be fickle, fleeting, and eternally out of grasp, but a clear and lingering rack shot, even in a little-seen flick such as Time of Her Time (1999), will endure unto eternity. Funny, firm of fanny, full chested, and fetching with a fox-like, forward face, Allison Dunbar made her big break as Hedda Hummer on the short-lived and widely bereaved Comedy Central flesh-trade send-up Strip Mall. Ironically, she doesn't strip in it. Mr. Skin would have to wait nearly two decades for more Alliskin. He carefully watched her guest appearances in boob tube shows like Criminal Minds, Bones, Castle, Rizzoli & Isles, and the always salacious Sopranos for a slip of skin, but it wasn't until a 2018 episode of the CW series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend that he spotted some epidermal lewdness from Ms. Dunbar. Allison doesn't get naked in the episode, but her bikini-clad body looks awfully good in a hot tub. Those beachballs will never deflate! She matched that exposure in an episode of the Paramount Network drama Yellowstone that aired the following year. Again, she doesn't show nip but her revealing bra makes her cleavage the focus. Allison makes a much more focused impression in Time of Her Time, of course, as the spectacle-sporting sport-baller who lounges on her back as her tantalizing twins jump out toward the camera and etch themselves forever in the memory of all who witness their vibrant presence. We have to give her props for making her Nude-Comer debut mamnificent. You done good, Dunbar.
Yellowstone (2018)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015)
Time of Her Time (1999)
Strip Mall
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