Nude: Anne-Marie Loop Nude Scenes, Pics & Videos
Nude Roles: 1
Anne—Marie lovely Loop has graced the motion pictures with her juicy geronimos, and her perfect pectorals for going on eleven years. Notable credits include Ernest & Celestine (2012), My Angel (2004), and of course, the Skintillating Alleluia (2014) where Loop’s bountiful bosom gets a squeaky clean scrub down during a dark and twisted blood bath. (Fetching all fetishes!) Loop was born in Avignon, France, and raised by street performers. She spent her girlhood performing puppet shows in the annual Festival d’ Avignon, which explains why she’s so free and wild, and completely at home in our charming, cobblestoned Skinpire in the sky! Alleluia, “he” is risen!
Alléluia (2014)
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