Nude: Renata Moar Nude Scenes, Pics & Videos
Nude Roles: 1
In the world of 1970s exploitation movies, Italian eyeful Renata Moar hit the trifecta. First she appeared in the teenage prostitution flick What Have They Done to Your Daughters? in 1974, and her final film, the nazspolitation flick Nazi Love Camp 27 (1977), saw the actress appearing alongside the frequently nude Finnish skinnish of Sirpa Lane. In her browning achievement, Renata revealed rack, rump, and rug in the unforgettable Sadean epic Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975), directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Along with stripping nude, Renata goes the extra mile by pretending to eat human excrement. Oh shit!
Salo (1975)
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