Nude: Silvia Filiagi Nude Scenes, Pics & Videos
Nude Roles: 1
Silvia Filiagi was uncredited in her best movie. What a shame. But let’s not worry about attribution. Really, who needs it? Not this hot piece of ass. Her ambition is not fame, but infamy. Let them eat cheesecake, she says, and walks the walk in the wartime romance I giorni dell’amore e dell’odio (2001), otherwise known as Days of Grace. Truly, we are graced by Silvia’s humility in this movie. She is seen baring her beautiful butt over a chamber pot. Oh, to be that chamber pot! Then later she’s making love to her man, and we’re making love to ourselves while looking at her fine mams. She’s also prancing around in some hot lingerie. This is the gift that keeps on giving, in our pants.
I giorni dell'amore e dell'odio (2001)
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