Nude: Big Zapper 1973 Nude Scenes
Directed by: Lindsay Shonteff
Rated: R
Theatrical Release: 01/15/1974
Country: UK
Although often lauded as having produced the most refined stagecraft of the western world, the English dramatic arts have a flip side. Even Shakespeare displayed flashes of folly, pandering to the British mob's appetite for campy farce. The UK hunger for kooky puerility persists to the modern day, gobbling up trifles along the askew lines of Big Zapper (1973). A combination caper and tease flick, Big Zapper zips along in hot pursuit of female private eye Harriet Zapper, played by the ever sultry and bountiful Linda Marlowe, as she weaves a hip-swaying path through kidnapped heirs, counterfeiters, and cuddly supporting sirens who tend to end as breast-baring dead dames.
Character Name: Penny Irving
Character Name: Linda Marlowe
Character Name: Bobbi Anne
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