Title: Body Slam (1986)

Sexy: Body Slam 1986 Sexy Scenes

Directed by: Hal Needham

Rated: PG

Home Release: 03/15/2011

Theatrical Release: 11/21/1986

Country: US

A down-on-his-luck musician stumbles into a new career as a wrestling mogul in the uber-'80s comedy Body Slam (1986). M. Harry Smilac (Dirk Benedict) is a music promoter who's been reduced to booking gigs at Dairy Queen. Then one day he meets oiled-up professional wrestler Quick Rick Roberts (Roddy Piper) and, thinking he's a musician, books him for a gig. Turns out that rock and wrestling go together like steroids and backne, and the event is a huge success, prompting Harry to take Rick and his friends on the road for a "Rock N' Wrestling" tour. Sadly, there isn't much material here for viewers to grapple with themselves, although fans of tanned, athletic women may get a full nelson from Leslee Bremmer's bikini scene. 

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