Title: Confessions of a Serial Killer (1985)

Nude: Confessions of a Serial Killer 1985 Nude Scenes

Directed by: Mark Blair

Rated: R

Theatrical Release: 11/14/1985

Home Release: 07/22/2022

Country: US

Based on the true story of Henry Lee Lucas, this 80’s horror film centers on Daniel Ray Hawkins (played by famous art director of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes Robert A. Burns), who gets arrested and then proceeds to confess to the murders of 200+ women, telling police about his abusive childhood and the two siblings (Dennis Hill, Sidney Brammer) who traveled the country helping him kill. Jane K. Smith plays Daniel Ray’s big breasted mama, who, when he was a child, would have sex with other men front of him and his wheelchair-bound father, while Dee Dee Norton, Chase Masterson, and Eleese Lester are in various states of undress as a few of adult Daniel Ray’s victims. We gotta confess, that’s one hot trio of scream queens!

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